Kyle Bauer

Pastor Jack Hayford’s Grandson Kidnapped, Then Rescued, in Mexico


Foursquare missionary Kyle Bauer was kidnapped Thursday in Mexico, near Puerto Vallarta. Through the work of local authorities, the FBI, and the U.S. Embassy, as well as coordinated communication between family, Foursquare leadership, and hostage consultants, Kyle was returned safely to his family at approximately 11 a.m. local time today.

Bauer, 31, and his wife, Teresa, were appointed as Foursquare missionaries to Mexico in 2011 and were deployed in August 2012. Kyle has been a Foursquare-credentialed minister since 2003 and was ordained in 2006. The Bauers have four children.

“We are grateful to God for bringing Kyle safely back home to his wife and children,” said Foursquare president Glenn Burris Jr., who has kept apprised of the situation at every turn. “The prayer support that permeated the past 24 hours is a testimony to the miraculous outcome of this story.”

No further details of the kidnapping were available at press time. The Bauers are being reunited with extended family and appreciate the continued prayer support throughout this emotional time.

Founded in 1923, The Foursquare Church is a movement of 67,000 churches and meeting places throughout 140 countries.


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