
Pastor: Holy Spirit Key to Reaching Today’s Youth


Leaders in pentecostal and charismatic community of Christianity gathered in Virginia Beach, Va., for the Converge 21 USA conference this week to discuss ways to bring a new generation to Jesus Christ.

The conference brought together leaders, scholars, and next generation voices to discuss and pray for the future of the Holy Spirit-empowered movement in the United States.

Participants gathered to listen to the Holy Spirit and learn more about God’s work in the 21st century.

Well-known pentecostal leader Rev. Jack Hayford shared words of wisdom for the next generation.

“The phrase, ‘the spirit of the Lord,’ in the Scriptures is describing a distinct work of the Holy Spirit, where He comes to manifest Jesus as Lord,” Hayford said.

“There’s a spirit of power, a spirit of counsel, a spirit of might and there’s a spirit of the Lord,” he explained. “And that’s where He’s saying, ‘I’m here to make sure that you keep Jesus Lord. Keep open to this part of His ministry.'”

Despite the negative headlines about today’s youth, the conference speakers agreed that the future of the movement looks bright, and that the next generation is carrying the torch.

Pastor Kristopher Gonzalez, 23, said he has been witnessing signs, wonders and healings among his peers through the power of the Holy Spirit.

“The Holy Spirit is key to reaching young people today. We live, and this is statistically proven, we live in the most spiritual generation, not necessarily Christian, but the most spiritual generation,” says Gonzalez.

“And the way to engage the young adults today is through the supernatural,” he said.

Next generation leader Tim Ross agreed.

“This is no longer a situation where the baton is being passed. It’s been passed. That responsibility is now in our hands, and it is up to us to hold onto the traditions of our fathers while we continue to perpetuate pentecostalism and charismatic movement in America,” he noted.

Conference attendee Jay Mooney also ministers to young people.

“God is supernaturally raising up a movement of young people like I have never seen in 27 years of student ministry, ever,” he said. “It is as if the spirit of God is just beckoning this to happen.”


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