Joshua DuBois

Obama’s Ex-Pastor-in-Chief Felt Alone Advocating for Religious Freedom


President Barack Obama’s former pastor-in-chief is sharing his thoughts on the controversial birth control mandate in Obamacare.

The mandate requires all employers, including many religious groups, to provide contraceptive coverage even for drugs that induce abortions.

Joshua DuBois, former director of White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, compiled some of the daily devotions he sent the president in his new book, The President’s Devotional.

In it, he shares some observations about the president and the issues facing the White House, including the birth control mandate that pitted many Christians against his boss.

DuBois writes that in many instances he felt that he was the only person in the administration advocating for religious liberty.

“Their inability to make this relatively small concession to religious organizations seemed to me unreasonable at best, and at worst, destructive,” he said of some senior White House officials.

DuBois told CBN News it was a delicate time for him in that position.

“Well, it was a very tough time. And the thing that that I say in the book, The President’s Devotional, really illuminates is how I had to learn to deal a little bit better with disagreement, even when I disagree with folks that I care about and that I work with and that I’m close to,” he said.

“You know I started in a place where I was questioning their motives and integrity and so forth. And God really shook me up and said that you can have a passionate disagreement on a really important issue, but you’ve still got to treat others with love and respect,” he said.

DuBois said the devotions he sends to President Obama are all Christ-centered.

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