President Barack Obama

Obama Administration Leading LGBT Affirmative Action Campaign


A White House email entitled “GLBT Happy Pride Month from Obama” was sent to federal employees highlighting the “progress” of homosexuals in the federal workplace.

“President Obama is forcing federal employees to openly affirm homosexuality and other forms of immoral behavior,” says Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “What is happening in this Obama administration can be traced back to 2009 when President Obama appointed a so-called LGBT czar to push lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in all of the federal agencies.

“In August of 2011,” Staver continues, “Obama issued an executive order entitled, ‘Establishing a Coordinated, government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workplace.’ The president is using bully tactics to force his immoral agenda on millions of people who come to work each day to make a living. This is shameful.

“Liberty Counsel has already reported on the Department of Justice’s ‘silence is not an option’ campaign, which provides that it is not enough if you remain silent on LGBT issues. Instead, you must affirm deviant sexual behavior. If you are silent, your job is in jeopardy,” he adds.

“After we reported on what was happening in the Department of Justice, more DOJ employees came forward saying that they were afraid for their jobs. Employees reported benefits being taken from them for speaking up or remaining silent on LGBT issues,” Staver reports. “After we reported on the DOJ, employees from the USDA sent us a newsletter entitled, ‘USDA’s Culture Transformation Action Item.’

“You have to ask yourself, why would the USDA have a Cultural Transformation Newsletter? On the very front page is the USDA Gay Pride Event. Now we are seeing it in the FBI, the CIA, and every other federal agency,” Staver explains.

“Essentially what we have in this administration is an LGBT affirmative action program. This is the most outrageous violation of conscience and the First Amendment that I have seen within any Administration—trying to force people’s conscience to affirm something that historically has been, and according to natural law and Biblical revelation, is unnatural, immoral and unhealthy,” he concludes.


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