pro-life supporters at March for Life

National Prayer Service to Mark 40 Years of Legalized Abortion


There have been more than 55 million legal abortions in the United States since killing your unborn baby was legalized in January 1973. In conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, faith-based organizations are holding a national prayer service.

Organizers of the 19th annual National Memorial for the Pre-Born and Their Mothers and Fathers expect the biggest turnout the service has ever had.

“This prayer service always re-energizes and re-focuses our pro-life movement,” said Father Frank Pavone, president of the National Pro-Life Religious Council, which is organizing the event along with Priests for Life, the National Pro-Life Center on Capitol Hill, and Faith and Action. Pavone will deliver the sermon at the service.

The National Memorial will be held at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Jan. 25. March for Life will begin a few hours after the service.

“After 40 years of legal abortion, and the misery it has brought to untold millions of American women, men and families, we want to have one of the largest expressions ever of communal repentance and fervent intercession for an end to abortion in our nation,” Pavone said. “Everyone in D.C. for the March should make an effort to attend this service.”

A host committee of key religious leaders has been assembled, and more information about the service can be found at


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