
Mormons Blitz Times Square With Evangelistic Campaign


mittromneyThe theme of a new ad campaign playing in New York City is, “I am a Mormon” and profiles individual members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Folks in the Big Apple are sure to notice the ads. They’re placed in and on subways, taxi cabs and even on giant video billboards in iconic Times Square.

The campaign is produced by the church. It has been on the web at for a year now and was “tested” in nine US cities before being quietly rolled out this week in New York City.

It appears to be built on another campaign that was used in Texas following the raid on the FLDS ranch near Eldorado. Those ads featured prominent Texans who were also Mormon. But there are no famous faces in the new ads, just everyday people who are profiled as wholesome, kind and caring members of their church and community,.

All this comes at a time of heightened interest in Mormons that has followed the critical success of the irreverent and sometimes vulgar Broadway musical, “The Book of Mormon.” The musical took home nine Tony awards last Sunday and the cast recording is No. 3 on Billboard’s album chart. It was even the inspiration for the cover of a recent Newsweek magazine.

Click here to read the rest of this story on ABC News.


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