Miracle Brings ‘Clinically Dead’ Woman Back to Life


Kathy Patten is enjoying her life again as a mom and a new grandmother, and she has God to thank for it.

Patten recently went into cardiac arrest while waiting for the birth of her granddaughter at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center. With no heart rate, pulse or oxygen to her brain, Patten was clinically dead for 45 minutes, wbaltv.com reported.

After CPR and other lifesaving measures, miraculously, she woke up without any damage to her brain.

“I’m so grateful God gave me a second chance,” Patten told WJZ-TV. “I promise you this—I’m just going to be the best person I can be. It’s very scary, coming back is a second chance of life.”

While all that was going on for Patten, her daughter, Stacey Fifer, experienced problems of her own. Her baby was stuck in the birth canal, causing Fifer to need an emergency C-section. The delivery of baby Alora was successful.

Most of all, Fifer was grateful to still have her mother around.

“She is truly a walking miracle,” Fifer says.

Wbalt.com reports that “GMBC is the first hospital in Maryland to receive the designation for its consistent use of the innovative CPR training program that helped save Patten’s life.” Consequently, God had placed Patten in the right place at the right time.

“I’m honored to be here, to be around so many wonderful people that believe in what Dr. Frankel said—treat a person, not a patient, like they want to live,” Patten said. “It’s amazing.” {eoa}

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