Mia Love

Meet 9 Pro-Life Candidates Who Won Elections Tuesday


Clearly the conservative “wave” election this week favored one party over another. Yet on policy issues, is there a unifying thread among newly-elected leaders at the federal and state level?

Listening in to the winning candidates and their stories, a strong commitment to one cause stands out: protecting life. Young, vibrant and diverse, these leaders express a resolve to act on their convictions when they take office come January. 

9. Mia Love
, Pro-Life Mother of Three and Rising Star in Congress

From People magazine to BuzzFeed to Roll Call, national media cannot stop talking about Mia Love this week. Yet she and her husband Jason seem more concerned with raising their three children than basking in the spotlight.

“My children have dreams and all they want to do is fulfill those dreams,” she says in one of her highly-watched campaign ads. “Washington needs a little bit more of that.” 

Endorsed by pro-life groups, Love has spoken out often against taxpayer funding of abortion. “The role that government plays is to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” she said in a Fox News interview. “We should be protecting life.”

 Sam Brownback, Pro-Life Champion Wins Second Term as Governor of Kansas

Sam and Mary Brownback with family
Sam and Mary Brownback adopted two of their five children (Capitol-Journal)

As a congressman, senator and most recently governor, Sam Brownback has been at the forefront of protecting defenseless pre-born lives for nearly two decades.

He signed into law 13 pro-life measures during his first term as Kansas governor, including one that established the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center—an innovative medical center using only adult stem cells in its clinical research studies, rather than embryonic stem cells which involve ending potential pre-born lives. The center has already seen medical breakthroughs in its first year. 

 Mimi Walters, Standing for Life on the West Coast

Mimi Walters
Mimi Walters knows how to get bills passed. (State Sen. Mimi Walters) 

While being a pro-life conservative in California politics is no easy task, Mimi Walters has been up to it since 1998. She’s served as city councilwoman, mayor, state representative, state senator … and now U.S. House member for California’s 45th Congressional District. 

Founder of the California Women’s Leadership Association, her business background brings added weight to her strong pro-life stance


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