Longtime QVC Host: Wife’s Stage 4 Cancer Worked for God’s Glory


Former QVC Network host Dan Wheeler says he believed God would heal his wife, Beth, from stage 4 cancer, “right up until her last breath.”

“I remember thinking at the time, after she died, (that) ‘all things work together for good to those that love God, to those that are called according to His purpose.’ I’d say, ‘Really, God? Stage 4 cancer can work together for good?”

But God used a counselor’s help and the gift of time to help Wheeler return to the joy he believes both the Lord and Beth would want for him. And that joy helped him write the book Hurricane of Love, a celebration of the couple’s 31 years of marriage.

Wheeler wants those who have lost loved ones to know they don’t need to drown in their grief.

“God has reached a lot of people with my book,” Wheeler told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent edition of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I’ve heard from people who have been stuck in their grief for 5-10 years. I just don’t feel that’s what God wants. Hundreds of people have written me on Facebook and said that my chapter on grief has helped them to get unstuck.

“My counselor said to me, ‘Beth wasn’t judging you. She’s in heaven with Jesus, and they’re both applauding you. They’re cheering you on. She’s saying, ‘Finish your race.’ And boy, did that do it. Looking back now, I see that God had a purpose for everything.”

Listen to the podcast below to learn more about Dan’s QVC career as the “$4 billion man,” his grief process and his inspiring book.


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