Liberty Counsel Says Biden’s Department of Defense Presented More False Information to Courts


After Liberty Counsel won a preliminary injunction preventing the Department of Defense from removing Commander Charles* from the Navy, last week the DOD accused federal Judge Steven Merryday of “commandeering” a U.S. naval warship.

DOD attorneys argued that by protecting Commander Charles’ Religious Freedom Restoration Act rights, the judge had rendered the ship he commands “unusable for service.”

This is a lie. At the time the DOD made this offensive argument, Commander Charles was commanding his warfare surface ship far out at sea doing drills, training and testing the ship and its crew for mission readiness!

By placing Commander Charles back on his ship and sending him out to sea, the Navy has demonstrated that Commander Charles and unvaccinated sailors are no threat to the rest of the armed forces.

And when the DOD called people like Commander Charles “refusers,” the judge shot back: “The term ‘refusers’ is a tellingly offensive term that the defendants must employ no further in this court. A RFRA claimant is not a ‘refuser,’ not an outcast subject to shunning.”

Insider Tips Are Rolling In

The level of deceit coming from the Biden administration is breathtaking. Insiders within the military are feeding us information, further proving the administration’s lawlessness.

A tip from a military attorney attached to the Judge Advocate General’s corps revealed to Liberty Counsel that the military is “pushing” commanders to move religious objectors to the COVID shots out of the military as fast as possible.

This is despite several injunctions delivered by courts against the DOD! Joe Biden’s DOD is trying to purge committed Christians from the military before the courts have a chance to protect them.

A tip from a military doctor goes further, detailing the lengths to which Biden’s DOD has destroyed the art of medicine in favor of politics.

The doctor asked to remain anonymous, as his career would be in “great professional jeopardy.” He said that both the American Medical Association and the DOD are “hunting” doctors who provide exemptions.

This doctor has personally treated numerous, previously healthy young military men suddenly stricken with myocarditis after taking the COVID jabs. Yet despite the doctor’s treatment of these shot injuries, superior officers have tried to prevent him from entering those adverse reactions into the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

Despite the doctor’s years of professional medical experience, all his recommendations for shot exemptions have been denied over “politics.”

Politics is preventing this doctor from practicing medicine!

Just weeks ago, Liberty Counsel won a preliminary injunction protecting our plaintiffs Commander Charles and Lieutenant Colonel Mary* from further disciplinary action by the military. We have asked the court to extend that protection to all our plaintiffs and to the entire class of military personnel.

We are doing everything possible to wrestle our clients’ religious freedom rights back from the Biden administration and its complicit DOD.

We are fighting for liberty on multiple fronts. We just filed an amicus brief at the Supreme Court in support of Coach Kennedy’s right to pray. And we have another hearing on this military class-action lawsuit set this week for March 10. Quite frankly, I cannot wait to see what the judge has to say this time! I will update you as soon as I can. {eoa}

This article originally appeared at

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