photo of Marine running alongside young boy

Inspiring Photo of Marine Accompanying Lost Boy in Race Goes Viral


A photo of a Marine running alongside a 9-year-old boy who lost his group at a 5K race has gone viral. The image, posted on the “Seal of Honor” Facebook page Monday, has been shared more than 56,000 times, has received more than 235,000 “likes,” and has received more than 11,000 comments.

“For the 5k at the Venetian Festival in Charlevoix, [Lance Cpl. Myles Kerr] opted to run the event wearing boots and utes and carrying a ruck sack,” Seal of Honor said of the photo. “Several minutes after the other Marines he was with had finished, Lcpl Kerr still had not crossed the line. They feared his extreme level of motivation may have caused him injury and/or fatigue resulting in him dropping out of the race.

“Moments before they ran back through the course to recover their fellow Marine, Lcpl Kerr came around the last turn along with this small boy. The boy had become separated from those who he had started the race with. He asked Lcpl Kerr, ‘Sir? Will you please run with me?’

“Throughout the course, Lcpl Kerr urged him on when the boy wanted to give up and ensured that the boy saw the course to completion where he was reunited with his party. By his unwavering commitment to help those in need through his ability to inspire others by his unequivocal level of motivation, Lcpl Kerr reflected great credit upon himself and was keeping in the highest traditions of the United States Marine Corps.”

Kerr has received an overwhelming amount of praise but responded on Twitter: “I was just doing what any man would do, but thank you!”


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