Hundreds of college students are currently engaged in a 40-day fast for breakthrough.

Hundreds of ‘Daniels’ Across America Determined to See National Breakthrough


Hundreds of college students are currently engaged in a 40-day fast for breakthrough.

Beginning Jan. 15 until the Collegiate Day of Prayer on Feb. 23, college students and campus leaders from across America are participating in the Collegiate Jesus Fast, 40 days of united fasting and prayer for revival and awakening on their college campuses. The fast will culminate with the Collegiate Day of Prayer on Feb. 23, when tens of thousands of believers, young and old, across America will gather in prayer for another outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the triumph of the gospel on college campuses.

In 2016, we had over 800 students from 240 college campuses engage in 40 days of fasting, culminating in over 2,000 campus ministries, churches and groups from over 1,046 cities from all 50 states gathering to pray for 1,825 college campuses.

Like Daniel at the University of Babylon, we are believing through this Jan 2017 fast for God to raise up on the college campuses of America 17-year-old “Daniels” and “Danielles” who, through a consecrated Daniel lifestyle of fasting and prayer, would hear from heaven with Daniel 1:17 dreams, visions and interpretations, receive Ephesians 1:17 wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God and be anointed with Luke 1:17 power like Elijah and John the Baptist to call the disobedient to the wisdom of the just to prepare the way for the Lord on college campuses.

We are coming together in united fasting and prayer to contend for another great awakening on college campuses and in our nation unto a new John 17 Jesus Movement and another Genesis 17 Student Volunteer Movement. 

In May 2016, Lou Engle prophesied about a 1:17 Daniel movement that would be marked by Daniel 1:17, Ephesians 1:17, Luke 1:17 and Genesis 17 and would touch the university students of the nations so students would go on 40-day Daniel fasts, but many of them would fast for a whole year, and it would become a lifestyle. The Lord wants to operate on the appetite of a generation so that they can be like Daniel who would fast and pray on their college campus to shift the history of nations.

The Collegiate Day of Prayer ( is the oldest day of prayer in American history dating back to 200 years and is a multi-generational, multi-denominational prayer movement facilitated by national and regional campus ministries, denominational church leaders and parachurch missions organizations. The Collegiate Jesus Fast ( is a collaborative effort of the Collegiate Day of Prayer, The Call and Luke18 Project.


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