People maneuver amongst tear gas in uptown Charlotte, NC during a protest of the police shooting of Keith Scott

How the Holy Spirit Is Intervening in the Charlotte Riots


Public defender Toussaint Romain is putting his faith on the front lines, quite literally, as he stands in the gap between rioters and police in Charlotte.  

“We’re all out here trying to make sure we’re standing up, praying for people in Christ, we’re letting them know we’re here, we wanna serve. Christ did it for us, and we want to get out there and serve for them,” Romain says.  

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency over the riots. At least one person was shot and killed by a civilian. 

“We don’t need any more people to go to die, no more people to be arrested. We need to take a stand and do it the right way. People are hurting, man. People are upset. People are frustrated. People need leaders. I’m not trying to be that leader. I’m trying to prevent people from being hurt,” Romain tells CNN. 

Watch the video to see more. 


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