Some of the Duggar girls.

How the Duggars Really Feel About Brother Josh After Scandals


After a series of scandals involving addiction, cheating on his wife and child molestation, Josh Duggar’s family say they’ve forgiven him, but there is a catch.  

“I have forgiven him and I feel that, but the trust is not there,” sister JoyAnna Duggar tells People 

Sister Jessa Seewald shares similar sentiments.  

“I definitely have forgiven Josh. It is a process, though, that you have to work through in your heart,” she tells the magazine. “And trust is not quickly rebuilt. It is something that takes a while. We love him very much, though, and we are very hopeful for the future.”  

The Duggar children shared many of their revelations in the new trailer for Jill and Jessa: Counting On, which TLC aired in the wake of cancelling 19 Kids and Counting.  

The trailers also feature Josh’s wife, Anna, who has been dealing with fallout of Josh’s indiscretions.  

“I don’t know what I’m stepping into,” Anna said in one trailer. 

“I don’t know how to handle each situation,” Anna adds. “It’s not anything I ever would have thought I would walk through. [I tell myself,] ‘Just do the next right thing, have the next right response for the next 15 minutes.'” 

According to ET, Josh Duggar left a faith-based rehab center this week after more than six months. 


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