persecuted church

‘Hail Satan’ Spray-Painted on Century-Old Church


Members of 102-year-old church in Danville, Va., won’t let a little graffiti stop them from worshipping.

Vandals recently spray painted the words “Hail Satan” in Latin, along with an upside-down cross, an anarchy symbol and a pentagram, on Schoolfield Church of the Brethen.

“We are going to wipe it off and keep on going,” said Branwen Hall, the daughter of Senior Pastor Richard Berkley, according to

Berkley, the great-grandson of founding Pastor Marion Prather, was undeterred.

“In this country, you can believe anything you want,” he said. “You don’t have to deface other people’s property to express your religion.”

Danville police said those responsible for the graffiti could be charged with a hate crime.


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