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Government Vaccine Passports Swap Comfort for Control


Liberty Counsel has obtained a copy of an internal document detailing the Biden administration’s plan for vaccine passports.

A federal PowerPoint presentation dated March 2, 2021 by the Federal Health IT Coordinating Council makes the following statements:

  • “Vaccine Credentials—A Key Element of Recovery Efforts: Proof of vaccination for certain activities is not new. What is new is that such proof may be a critical driver for restoring baseline population health and promoting safe return to social, commercial and leisure activities.”
  • Its goal is the “coordination and alignment of vaccine credential activities across HHS agencies.”
  • ” … for an individual’s return to day-to-day activities, Federal government will inevitably be involved with vaccine credential solutions … “
  • “Federal entities, like their commercial counterparts, will likely require vaccine verification for a variety of purposes.”
  • This federal group “will build a shared database of initiatives and contacts for future meetings as well as a resource for Federal agencies to work with each other.”
  • “The VA [Veterans Affairs] Office of Information Technology is engaged with the Vaccine Credential Initiative. We are implementing a VA-issued vaccine credential.”
  • “Will there be federal uses?” It lists places that ask for vaccine passports such as “International and domestic travel,” “Access to Federal facilities,” “Access to VA/DOD and military facilities” and “Federal health care providers for continuity of care.”
  • It is a “forum for raising awareness of initiatives across Federal agencies … and communicating progress to the White House.”

There is an active government program working domestically and internationally to push a vaccine passport that reports its progress directly to the White House.

Vaccine passports are a serious threat! It’s time to fight for the freedom to travel, shop, dine, work and just live life. Your health decisions must not be dictated by government bureaucrats or corporations.

Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Pfizer VP and chief science officer, warns, “I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products.”

Remember Bill Gates’ comment, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services, we can lower that (the population) by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

It is chilling that this federal program has multiple technology initiatives coming together under one government plan to push “vaccine credentials.” This includes invasive technology initiatives developed with the help of MIT, IBM, MasterCard, the discredited World Health Organization and even the International Air Transport Association.

We began warning about vaccine passports in March/April 2020! Now our government is overtly pushing this passport through multiple federal departments, both domestically and internationally!

We are fighting the mandates on behalf of military members, federal employees, civilian contractors, health care workers and all Americans.

We expect a significant ruling this week in our class action lawsuit defending the military against Biden’s mandate. We have legal challenges to the mandate, including at the Supreme Court.

Psalm 40:13 (NASB1995) states, “Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; Make haste, O Lord to help me.” Please pray for the deliverance of our nation and for our liberties. {eoa}

The original article first appeared on

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