GOP Senator Says Trump Will Be Acquitted, Biden Unity Promise Failing ‘Miserably’


As House Democrats rested their case in the impeachment trial of Donald Trump Thursday, Republican Sen. Rand Paul says impeachment managers have failed to present any evidence of an impeachable offense against the former president.

In fact, Paul told CBN News that they “are nowhere near to convincing anybody” that Trump is guilty of what he is accused of, and that there will be 44 to 45 Senate Republicans who will acquit Trump by the end of the trial. A total of 34 is needed to acquit Trump.

The Kentucky senator says that, with this trial, President Joe Biden is failing miserably on one of his foremost campaign promises.

“This is largely a partisan exercise that will destroy any possible unifying concept that President Biden may have wished for,” Paul said. “But it was his own doing. He could have easily been a statesman and moved forward. His numbers with independents would have gone up 20 points if he had done that, but he didn’t.

“Hypocrisy and this idea of a double standard just doesn’t look well,” Paul said. “I don’t think this is good for the country. It’s in no way unifying, and I think it just furthers the bitterness and rancor of the election. So, I think this is a huge mistake by the Democrats.”

Some of the points they’ve attempted to use against Trump, Paul said, are simply false, including the Democrats’ attempt to pin last month’s Capitol riot on him.

“I think the case of the violence that happened on Jan. 6 was abhorrent, and the people who committed it should be punished,” he said. “Sure, they’ve done a good job of that. But they’ve also admitted that the president’s words did not incite the crowd.

“You have to look at his actual words,” Paul said. “The president said go fight; let your voices be heard, and he said to march peacefully and patriotically. How can you twist that into words that incite violence? Interestingly, one of the House managers, David Cicilline, on the first day of the trial stood up and said the president’s words are not why we’re convicting him or impeaching him. They said it was because he promoted this big lie that the election was stolen.” {eoa}

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