The White House illuminated in rainbow colors after the Supreme Court overturned bans on same-sex marriage.

Gay Pride Came Before America’s Fall—Franklin Graham Sounds Off


Franklin Graham has been outspoken about the judgment of God in the wake of the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling.

Now, he’s quoting Scripture—and one dissenting Supreme Court justice—in his latest comments about the misuse of the rainbow: “Pride goeth before a fall.”

“Supreme Court Justice Scalia used Proverbs 16:18 in his comments regarding the court’s disappointing and dangerous ruling about same-sex marriage. He rightly called the decision ‘a threat to the American democracy.’ This is so true,” Graham says. “Arrogantly disregarding God’s authority always has serious consequences. Our nation will not like what’s at the end of this rainbow.”

Graham previously commented on how the president had the White House lit up in rainbow colors to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.

“This is outrageous—a real slap in the face to the millions of Americans who do not support same-sex marriage and whose voice is being ignored,” he said. “God is the one who gave the rainbow, and it was associated with His judgment. God sent a flood to wipe out the entire world because mankind had become so wicked and violent.”


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