Mark Regnerus

Gay Agenda Loses Battle Against Same-Sex Study Author


Homosexual activists may have thought they had a University of Texas at Austin professor pinned. But Professor Mark Regnerus has been cleared of alleged “scientific misconduct” in his research study that shows the harmful effects of same-sex relationships on kids.

Specifically, Regnerus found kids raised by gay parents, particularly lesbian parents, turned out worse socially, emotionally and in relationships than children who had married, heterosexual parents.

“America’s universities should always serve as truth-seeking, free marketplaces of ideas,” says Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Senior Legal Counsel David Hacker. “Disagreeing with a study’s conclusions is not grounds for allegations of scientific misconduct; therefore, we are not surprised that those accusations were found to be baseless.”

The New Family Structures Study suggests that differences exist in outcomes for young adults raised in various environments with different family experiences. University of Texas-Austin conducted an official inquiry after activist blogger Scott Rosensweig (who goes by “Scott Rose”) accused Regnerus of scientific misconduct in the study and in how the results were reported in a scientific article about the study’s findings. Because the inquiry found the allegations to be unsubstantiated, UT-Austin says it will not conduct a formal investigation.

A UT-Austin memorandum stating the inquiry’s findings concludes that “Professor Regnerus did not commit scientific misconduct when designing, executing and reporting the research reported in the Social Science Research article. None of the allegations of scientific misconduct put forth by Mr. Rose were substantiated either by the physical data, written materials, or by information provided during the interviews. Several of the allegations were beyond the purview of the inquiry.”

The memorandum says Rosensweig “inferred that there must be scientific misconduct. However, there is no evidence to support that inference.”


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