2020 08 pro life

Franklin Graham on Dangers of Biden-Harris Ticket: ‘Every Life Is Precious to God’


Reviews for the new Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket, presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party in the 2020 presidential race, have seemed predictable so far, falling largely along expected party lines. However, Franklin Graham took to Twitter Wednesday to share what he called “a great concern” with his fellow Christians.

Noting that Biden and Harris “are labeled as the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in the history of our nation,” Graham added, “As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am pro-life & believe every life is precious to God.”

Though a May Gallup poll found that “almost a quarter of Democrats consider themselves pro-life, but Biden, who is Catholic, and Harris, a Baptist believer, both support abortion rights, in stark contrast to Trump and Vice President Mike Pence,” a Fox News report states. And a group known as Democrats for Life is now seeking to make its voice heard about the concerns it also has about Biden’s and Harris’ avowed pro-abortion stance, saying it will “further alienate 21 million Democratic voters,” according to Catholic News Agency EWTN News Nightly.

Unlike his father, famed evangelist Billy Graham, who advised multiple presidents but took care not to express political views, the younger Graham seems to have no qualms about expressing his. He spoke out on Bill Clinton’s affair with an intern and has at various times expressed his support of President Trump. But the pro-life cause clearly has the evangelist’s heart. In previous interviews, he has made it clear that Christians have a biblical obligation to vote pro-life.

“When God speaks, and He does so through Scripture, all of us should listen,” said Graham in a 2019 CNS News report. “The Bible says we are knit together by God in our mother’s womb (Ps. 139:13).” {eoa}

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