Don Nori Sr

Founder of Destiny Image Publishers in Critical Condition


Today, Destiny Image Founder, Don Nori Sr., made it through his major heart surgery to repair his aorta repair, restore blood flow to his abdomen and bypass to restore blood flow to his leg.

However, his heart, kidneys and lungs remain very weak. Doctors have him completely paralyzed and unconscious with a breathing machine for life support. He is receiving dialysis and remains in critical condition.

At about 5:15 p.m. on Sunday, April 15, Don Nori Sr. was on his way to dinner with the family when he experienced severe chest pain. His wife, Cathy, drove him directly to the ER. After a CAT scan, it was determined that he had sustained a damaged/ruptured artery. He was sent to another medical center by ambulance.

Initially, specialists determined they could not operate due to high risk factors, but they were able to stabilize and medicate him. After midnight, with results from new tests, it was determined that specialists could attempt a different surgical procedure, scheduled for this morning: first to stent the damaged artery to save his life, then to repair the artery supplying blood flow to his midsection and finally, to restore blood flow to the leg at risk.

We covet your prayers during this trying time.


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