Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil

Exxon Mobile Refuses to Cave In to Gay Agenda’s Demands


In its annual shareholder meeting this week, Exxon Mobil Corp. overwhelmingly rejected a shareholder proposal demanding changes to the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy that would grant special rights to homosexual employees.

Had the resolution passed, the company would have been forced to begin promoting and providing “acceptance” training of homosexuality to all employees, even if they had religious objections.

By a margin of 81 to 19 percent against the resolution, this vote marks the 14th year in a row the company has refused to cave in to the bully tactics of gay activists.

The board of directors strongly recommended shareholders vote against the proposal. In a statement, Exxon Mobil said it already prohibits “all forms of discrimination” and “believes the proposal is unnecessary.”

The American Family Association continues to encourage all companies to stay neutral in the culture war over special rights for those who choose to engage in unnatural sexual behavior. Click here to send an email letter to Exxon Mobil and its chairman, Rex Tillerson, letting them know you agree with their vote.


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