Steven Furtick is staying put at Elevation Church.

Did Steven Furtick Just Sign $110 Million Contract With Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church?


The Babylon Bee strikes again.

The Christian satirical website duped quite a few people and had Steven Furtick issuing a clarifying statement after its recent headline “Steven Furtick Signs 6-Year, $110 Million Contract With Lakewood Church.”

“All right, just a quick reminder something you already know, something my mom taught me since I was a little boy: Always consider the source,” Furtick says in a video made to address the rumors.

“A friend of mine sent me a link the other day to a fake article on a satirical website to make it look like I was leaving Elevation Church to go to another church like an NBA free agent for a big contract. And of course, none of that is true. I’m not leaving Elevation Church. The thing was meant to be a joke. Whether it’s funny or right for them to post that, that’s up for you to decide, but what’s crazy to me is the number of people who believed it. And then even spread it around that I was leaving my church.”

In case that wasn’t clear: It’s fake, y’all.

Furtick was the victim of yet another Babylon Bee headline last year when the satire site posted his church put in a water slide as a baptismal. 

In an era of fake news, just remember Furtick’s advice: Always consider the source.


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