The Christian flag

Defying Atheist Threats, These Bold Believers Keep Waving Christian Flag


The residents of Glencoe, Alabama, are refusing to succumb to the will of atheist organization Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Earlier this month, the FFRF threatened legal action against the city for flying the Christian flag outside the city hall building. 

“It is unconstitutional for a government entity to fly a flag with a patently religious symbol on its ground,” FFRF’s Andrew Siedel writes in the letter.

Glencoe Mayor Charles Gilcrest told WBRC he complied with the letter out of fear for the lawsuit, though he said he was not happy with the decision.

“That would just about ruin us,” Gilchris told the station of the lawsuit. “That’s what they do; they pick on these smaller towns that can’t defend (themselves).”

Despite FFRF’s bullying, believers, including local politicians, took to City Hall this weekend to show their support for the Christian flag. 

“We weren’t called to sit back and watch and not say a word. We’re called to go out and proclaim the gospel among all nations,” said State Sen. Phil Williams.


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