Damon Thompson

Damon Thompson Silent About Departure From The Ramp


Damon Thompson has left The Ramp, widely known as a place of awakening in Hamilton, Ala., where hundreds gather from around the country every month to pursue Jesus.

Indeed, The Ramp is in transition. Karen Wheaton, founder of the group, recently announced that Thompson was leaving after 10 years of service to tens of thousands of young people impacted by the presence of God and awakened to their purpose.

Wheaton sees the need now for a focused effort toward equipping and nurturing the people that God has placed under The Ramp’s stewardship. And that means including a local assignment of pastorally meeting the needs of The Ramp community.

“In light of this direction the Holy Spirit is leading us, we realize the necessity for absolute unity and great focus. As you know, Damon Thompson has run with us in this mission of awakening for the past 10 years,” Wheaton wrote on The Ramp’s blog. “Damon feels his prophetic anointing carries a specific message for a specific people. He does not feel the direction of The Ramp is the direction God is calling him at this time. Therefore, Damon is going to focus fully on the ministry he feels God has given him while the Ramp moves forward with its national and local assignment of awakening.”

Thompson has chosen not to discuss his departure from The Ramp. But three of his spiritual fathers—Dutch Sheets, Aaron Smith and Ike Thompson—took the initiative to write a letter on his behalf to answer the speculation surrounding the shift. The authors were careful not to choose sides, but worked to affirm the heart and character of Thompson.

“For Damon to make a statement could necessitate him crossing ethical lines through innuendos or veiled statements. He has rightly chosen not to do this,” the letter states. “Damon walks in purity and integrity—he lives what he so passionately preaches. His walk with the Lord is strong; his marriage is very healthy; his finances are in order; he did not leave The Ramp for other opportunities; and he did not simply ‘walk out’ on The Ramp. Damon did not choose the manner or timing of his departure.”


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