CN Morning Rundown: With US Increase in Idol Worship, Will We See Continued Breaches of Our Defenses?


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With US Increase in Idol Worship, Will We See Continued Breaches of Our Defenses?

Editor’s Note: This is part two of a two-part article. Find part one here.

At the end of part one, I asked a question. “If God warned Israel of its idol worship, is it possible that God also left the U.S. a message concerning this particular idol?”

Examine the evidence below, and draw your own conclusion.

The Obelisk Idol and the Walls of the United States

This Egyptian obelisk was the first idol to foreign gods of this magnitude to be placed on United States’ soil since the nation’s birth. However, Cleopatra’s Needle is only one of three true obelisks in the city.

Biden Backs California Gov. Newsom as Recall Effort Heats Up

While the Senate busied itself Tuesday with the opening of former President Donald Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, the Biden administration took time to throw its support behind beleaguered California Gov. Gavin Newsom and against the growing effort to recall him.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Twitter that the president “clearly opposes any effort to recall Gavin Newsom”:

After Nixing National Anthem for First 13 Games, Mavericks’ Owner Cuban Agrees to Comply With NBA Edict

Only one day after Dallas Mavericks’ owner Mark Cuban confirmed to The Atlantic that his team had ceased playing the national anthem before home games and had no plans to play it going forward, the National Basketball Association released a response. It came in the form of a statement saying the league would require all teams to play the anthem “in keeping with its long-standing policy,” several news outlets report. And the Mavericks’ administration has now agreed to comply with the edict.

The Mavericks did not play the national anthem at its previous 13 preseason and regular games, but the team did not publicize the fact. After Cuban, the team’s highly controversial owner, met with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver Monday and informed him of the decision, NBA Chief Communications Officer Mike Bass released a statement on Wednesday that mandated all teams to play the anthem prior to their games, Fox News reports.

“With NBA teams now in the process of welcoming back fans into their arenas, all teams will play the national anthem in keeping with longstanding league policy,” Bass said in the statement. {eoa}

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