CN Morning Rundown: South African Pastor Asks for Immediate Prayer as His Nation Sinks Into Civil Unrest


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

South African Pastor Asks for Immediate Prayer as His Nation Sinks Into Civil Unrest

As the protests of the tyrannical communist regime rage on in Cuba and the unrest continues in Haiti after the assassination of its president last week, a developing situation in South Africa should also move believers to prayer. .

Civil unrest, rioting, looting and buildings set afire are taking place in the capital of Johannesburg and the Durban region on the coast of Africa. The unrest follows the incarceration last week of former President Jacob Zuma, who was taken into custody for refusing to appear before the highest court in the land and was charged with contempt.

Zuma could face 15 months in jail.

Apostolic Preacher: If You Change Your Conditioning, You’ll Change Your Condition

I was reared in a New Jersey family where no one could keep a job or get ahead. But something inside me said, If I’m smart enough and if I put in enough time and enough work, I’m going to beat them.

Since those days, I’ve learned that success has no favorites. I’ve proven that success isn’t a racist. I’ve also discovered that in the African American community, most of us are conditioned to fail. For us to change our conditions, we have to change that conditioning.

I propose that if we are to restore our national soul as a people, we need to train our own souls first. And to train our souls to prosper, the soul requires truth. We have to be honest.

Curt Landry Says the Church Needs to Follow the Spirit of Patrick Henry Right Now

Like many other believers in this country, Rabbi Curt Landry is becoming more and more aware that religious freedom in America is slipping away.

The cancel culture that has struck America is doing everything it can to not only silence the church but also to eliminate it completely from the American landscape.

Landry says it’s time for the church to take a good, hard look at itself and see if it has enough grit to stand up to the leftist tyranny trying to take over the country. {eoa}

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