CN Morning Rundown: Another Day, Another Big Tech Cancellation


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories featured on

Yes, Twitter Actually Blocked Me for This

On Tuesday morning, when I went to use my Twitter account, I was greeted by a different screen than normal. It contained one single tweet of mine, beneath which was a large red button labeled “Remove.” I had violated Twitter guidelines, because of which I was blocked from using my account. The two options were to remove the offending tweet or to appeal. I chose to appeal.

To give the relevant background, over the weekend, I posted a comment on both Twitter and Facebook, saying, “To those who are outraged over the fact that many Americans still choose not to be vaccinated, do you honestly believe that if those people were convinced the vaccines were perfectly safe in the long term and would save lives that most of them would not be vaccinated immediately?” (This is the Facebook link; I would give you the Twitter link except that, well, I can’t, since I’m blocked from accessing my account.)

I had first posted the comment on Twitter, where it generated a lively discussion, after which my wife, Nancy, said to me, “You should post it on Facebook and see what happens.”

Larry Tomczak: Cuba’s Crisis, Biden’s Incompetence, Trump’s Triumph

We Didn’t Fight for Socialism: America’s Veterans Speak Up” —Colonel Oliver North

Realists and scores of fair-minded Americans believe that Biden is the radical Democrats’ tool for socialism and has not really accomplished anything since taking office. He talks a lot about vaccines yet stubbornly refuses to give even a scintilla of credit to Trump, who showed his leadership in the “Warp Speed” production of vaccines in nine months! He is, though, proficient at dividing Americans and doling out financial giveaways while our national debt will soon exceed $30 trillion, inviting economic collapse.

Biden has artificially inflated media coverage, keeps the lightest schedule of any president in history and stumbles through pithy, prepared speeches from a teleprompter. His rhetoric of unifying and “building back a better America” rings hollow while he’s uninspiringly demonstrating no real problem-solving ability after seven months in office.

On critical issues, he’s causing much harm to America. Consider the unprecedented border crisis (he denied it even existed for three months), soaring violent crime, election fraud, runaway inflation, escalating narcotics, disturbing gas prices, skyrocketing debt and Russian hacking. He comes up woefully deficient, and we should all be rightly concerned.

Key Charismatic Leaders Bring the Fire as Thousands Cry Out to God in Promise Keepers Reboot Event

Key charismatic leaders Pastors Carter Conlon, Robert Morris and Samuel Rodriguez as well as James Robison made a dynamic impact at the reboot of national Christian men’s organization Promise Keepers this past weekend at the AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, with nearly 30,000 men in attendance and even more participating online.

Geared to include “worship that strengthens the soul, brotherhood that lasts a lifetime, and tools that empower you to be the man Christ intended you to be,” the two-day event included worship led by Cody Carnes and Tauren Wells.

Twitter filled up with comments from attendees as well as from faith leaders about the event. Robison, longtime television host and founder of Life Outreach International, posted about “Kingdom power, life and purpose.” {eoa}

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God Cancel Culture RFor more information on how you can fight back against cancel culture, make sure to get a copy of what Charisma founder and CEO Stephen Strang says is his most important book yet. God and Cancel Culture releases Sept. 7, the day after Labor Day, wherever fine books are sold. Pre-order it at and, for a limited time, receive $120 worth of gifts, including four e-books and a subscription to Charisma magazine.


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