Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith Will Not Have Lung Surgery, Weighing Options


Chuck Smith, the founder of the Calvary Chapel movement, will not have lung surgery to treat cancer.

Although doctors were considering surgery to remove the middle lobe of Smith’s right lung, tests indicate it is not the best path. Smith has been undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatment and the tumor shrank, but doctors are still concerned.

Janette Smith Manderson, Smith’s daughter, has been offering regular updates on a Facebook group called “Praying for Chuck Smith.” She offered an update on Monday that was prefaced with the declaration, “God is good!”

“When Dad had the lung capacity test last Friday, the doctors felt that he should not have surgery, as it could possibly make breathing a bit harder. So, for now at least, surgery appears to be a closed door,” Manderson wrote.

“Dad has several options available and we are doing research to see which treatment looks like the best fit. As we talked things over yesterday, Dad and I agreed that we like closed doors just as much as open doors, because there is great peace in seeing God working to make sure that we stay exactly in His will. Please pray that He will show Dad which treatment He has chosen for the next weapon in the cancer battle. Dad is a strong fighter and eager to take on the enemy under God’s banner. To God be the glory!!!”

Smith, 84, is senior pastor of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, Calif. He shocked his congregation in January when he revealed he was battling lung cancer. He is also widely known as the founder of the Jesus People Revolution in Southern California.

The Praying for Chuck Smith Facebook group has more than 8,100 members who continue to pray for the man of God.

“What a privilege it is to pray with Chuck Smith and his family. I’m reading his book Prayer, Our Glorious Privilege,” wrote Donna J Hawley on the Facebook page. “I am so blessed from his teachings on prayer and feel especially touched to be able to pray for him. I pray God will share His desires with Chuck and plant His will within his heart regarding the next step God is going to take in His battle.”

Smith opened the doors to Calvary Church in 1965. The first service had only 25 people. Today, nearly 10,000 people attend the Costa Mesa church weekly and Calvary Churches have spread across the United States and around the world.


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