
Chick-fil-A Haters Demonstrate Growing Intolerance of Christianity


If you wondered how much support there really is for same-sex marriage, look no further than the hateful comments made against Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer, Dan Cathy.

Within the attacks on Cathy and his chicken chain you’ll see more evidence of the growing intolerance toward Christianity and anyone who practices it outside of church on Sunday mornings.

Christian apologist Dr. Alex McFarland hopes to change that intolerance through his 15-year initiative for America, Project 2026 and its kick-off conference, Truth for a New Generation on Sept. 28-29 in Spartanburg, S.C.

Project 2026 is a 15-year initiative to restore a culture of Christianity and Constitutional values to America. The project hinges on six core beliefs, including: God, life, morality, prayer, worship and American exclusivism.

“Increasingly, Americans are not only shifting away from traditional, Christian values, but they are openly and harshly critical of anyone that maintains a Christian worldview, even if they are in no way impacted by the Christian lifestyle,” says McFarland, director for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at the Christian Worldview Center of North Greenville University in Greenville, S.C.

“Chick-fil-A has not been accused of being in any way discriminatory in its business practices—the company doesn’t prevent same-sex couples from eating or working at their restaurants—but they are being actively boycotted and run out of towns, literally, because the owner was truthful about the belief system he and his family hold. It’s this type of intolerance and denial of Christianity in our culture that is destroying the successful, prosperous America we once enjoyed.”

Project 2026 seeks to especially speak to teens and young adults with its efforts, as they will be the group representing Christianity to the culture in the next 15 years, whether through contributions as homemakers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, or civil servants.

“Christianity has been an integral part of America, and it must remain so if America is to thrive into the future,” McFarland concludes. “Our nation’s founding fathers recognized absolute moral truth according to God’s Word, calling it ‘self-evident.’ Our culture—especially the youth that will carry it forward into the futur—must recover the knowledge that morality is not based on evolving human whims and conventions, but on the unchanging character and nature of God.”

Mike Huckabee has organized Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day for Aug. 1. Click here to read more about the event.


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