Verna Linzey passed away Friday at 97.

Pentecostal Evangelist Verna Linzey Passes Away at 97


Bible theologian and Evangelist Verna Linzey passed away from heart failure Friday at the age of 97 at Naval Medical Center in San Diego, Assist News Service has reported.   

Linzey, a translator for the Modern English Version of the Bible, leaves behind a legacy as the chief editor of the New Tyndale Version and contributing editor for The Military Bible and The Presidents’ Bible. A recording artist and songwriter, she is also well known as the writer of the hymn, “O Blessed Jesus.”

An ordained minister in the Assemblies of God since 1945, Linzey also wrote several books including The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Spirit Baptism and The Gifts of the Spirit.

Assist News Service reported that Linzey’s son and her road manager, Dr. James F. Linzey, said Verna Linzey “had not retired from Bible translation work and crusade evangelism” when she fell in early July in front of her Escondido, California home. She later developed blood clots and poor blood circulation, leading to further complications until she passed away.”

Linzey hosted “The Holy Spirit Today” television broadcasts. She was one of the founding advisory board members of the Verna Linzey Child Care Ministry based in the Philippines, which has a vision of reaching orphans worldwide.

Linzey and her late husband, retired US Navy Chaplain, Captain Stanford E. Linzey, Jr., had 10 children.{eoa}


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