CCLI's Rod Rachinski passed away.

CCLI Mourns The Loss Of Long-Term Executive


On Monday afternoon, July 13, 2015, Rod Rachinski passed away, after battling brain cancer for 16 months.

“My brother, my closest friend, my vision partner fought a good fight. We were joined at the heart, inseparable, and the loss hurts deeply. But, he is now safely on the other side of Eternity, embraced by the Lover of His soul – Jesus Christ. We will see him again…”Howard Rachinski, Chairman / CEO of CCLI

Rod first joined Christian Copyright Licensing International in October 1991, when he served as CCLI’s Customer Service Manager. He was quickly promoted to Vice-President, North America Operations, and served in that capacity for 21 years before being promoted to President, CCLI in 2012. In March 2014, Rod was diagnosed with Grade IV Glioblastoma Multiforme—inoperable brain tumors. Rod underwent treatment in Portland, OR, then traveled to Los Angeles, CA for some alternative treatments. He battled bravely before finally succumbing to the illness on Monday.

“The world lost a great man. I’ll remember his smile, his enthusiasm and his overall warmth. He’ll be deeply missed.” Steve McPherson, Manager of Hillsong Publishing

“We honor Rod not only for his tremendous leadership, expertise and contribution to the world of church music and copyrights, but also for the way he lived ‘full-out’ a life of great faith, trust and hope in God. We are better because of having the honor of knowing Rod Rachinski, and he has impacted each of us as he simply lived life.”Diane Cobb, Executive Secretary of the Church Music Publishers Association.

Please pray for his family during this time.


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