A clip from the viral video that alleged a group of Catholic school boys harassed a group of Native Americans.

Catholic School Closes for Student Safety After Teens Falsely Accused of Targeting Native Americans


Some of the threats are too vile to repeat, but the teenage boys who were falsely accused of targeting a Native American demonstrator in Washington, D.C., have faced a massive wave of extremist, left-wing attacks. The mob of ranting, unhinged social media users has leveled threats of death and violence while others have been trying to have the boys’ parents fired from their jobs.

So Covington Catholic High School is closed today for the safety of the students and their families. “Please continue to keep the Covington Catholic Community in your prayers,” the principal says.

Two of the Covington students are speaking out about all the hate-filled backlash they, their classmates and families have received. More about that in a minute.

But first, it turns out the media didn’t seek out all the facts in their rush to attack the boys. Additional videos of the incident reveal the boys were standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial after the March for Life, waiting for their bus to take them home to Kentucky. The boys were being taunted and attacked verbally by a group called the Black Hebrew Israelites who were shouting insults like “white crackers” and “incest kids.” So the boys started chanting school spirit cheers.

That’s when a group of marching Native Americans came upon the scene. Nathan Phillips, an elderly leader from the group, then decided to wade into the middle of the crowd of teens while playing a drum and singing. Phillips says he wanted to bring peace, but video shows him singling out one of the boys, Nick Sandmann, who just stood there smiling while the man sang in his face while banging his drum. Members of the Native American group then told the media that the boys had blocked the elderly man’s path and were taunting him, but the videos tell a different story. {eoa}

Click here to read the rest of the story from our content partners at CBN News.


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