Carman says he found another tumor.

Carman Announces New Tumor Days Before He’s Supposed to Sing His Testimony


Famed Christian artist Carman Licciardello is pleading for prayers after a giant tumor appeared.  

“After 40 years, I think I know a well timed attack when I see one. I’m about to go into the studio and start recording a song about my cancer healing testimony but I needed a routine check up first,” Carman shared on Facebook recently. 

The contemporary Christian music star was diagnosed with myeloma in February 2013. Myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells, is deadly. Doctors gave him three to four years to live. But Carman, who has recorded 15 gold and platinum albums and videos and has sold more than 10 million records, refused to go down without an all-out war. 

Doctors pronounced him free of cancer in 2016.  

“The doctor discovered, on my shoulder, a tumor the size of a golf ball. Now I need surgery to remove it for a biopsy. It’s just the timing lines up with the end of my remission cycle. Maybe this could be my last recording. I just don’t know at this point. Anytime I’ve been in this situation I’ve come to you all for prayer and things turned around. Well this is one of those times again,” Carman said in late March.  

“So my faith is being challenged. Faith to finish this record and finish my course. I’m sure the enemy of my soul wants it cut short. So I’m asking for your love and prayers. The past couple years I’ve been able to lead over 5,000 people to Christ and in my heart I feel like there’s a few more I still need to get to. Your prayers are effective and powerful and I’m asking for them today. Please share this with a friend. I believe someday the end of my journey will indeed come. … but not yet. There’s still a bit more work to do,” his Facebook post continued. {eoa}


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