Jerry Sandusky mug shot

Can God Work Jerry Sandusky’s Sexual Sin for Good?


Pennsylvania may enact sweeping changes to its child abuse laws, including stronger penalties for failing to report the crime. The decision comes in the wake of a year-long of study prompted by Jerry Sandusky‘s arrest on molestation charges.

According to the Associated Press, Pennsylvania Task Force on Child Protection recommended rewriting state law, redefining what constitutes child abuse and expanding the list of people who are required to report suspected abuse. The AP reports:

“Sandusky, a 68-year-old former Penn State assistant football coach, is serving a 30- to 60-year state prison sentence after being convicted this summer of 45 counts of sexual abuse of 10 boys. He maintains his innocence and is pursuing appeals.

“Heckler acknowledged that the Sandusky and Roman Catholic priest molestation scandals provided the impetus for the creation of the task force but said the panel took a wider view…

“Under current law, children have to show they experienced severe pain in order to substantiate abuse claims. The 11-member task force said that requirement should be eliminated and a lower bar established.”

Romans 8:28 says God works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. We also know that what the enemy means for harm, God can work for Good (see Genesis 50:20).

Can God work Jerry Sandusky’s alleged sexual sin for good? Will the new proposed laws help prevent kids from molestation?

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