A firefighter extinguishes a hot spot in a neighborhood destroyed by the Camp Fire in Paradise, California.

California Wildfire: ‘Prayers of Survival, Prayers of a Quick Death’


Californians are crying out for prayer as fires destroy their beloved state.

“Prayers of survival, prayers of a quick death,” resident Linda Timme tells the Weather Channel. “I know it sounds morbid, but it’s awful.”

Three separate blazes rage in the state: Camp Fire, Hill Fire and Woolsey Fire. The Camp Fire has killed at least 48 people, making it the deadliest wildfire in state history. More than 50 have died throughout the state.

“I want to tell you, though, this is a very, very difficult process and there is certainly the unfortunate possibility that even after we’ve searched an area … it’s possible that human remains can be found,” Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea tells NPR.

In one video posted to YouTube, a residential family can be heard interceding over the blaze as they evacuate.

Here’s how others are praying:

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Completely devastated by the current California fires happening right now. They’re only a few hours away from where I live. I also went through the same thing during the 2007 wildfires but thankfully my community was saved. My heart goes out to any one who has lost there home and to the 42 ppl who have lost there lives and the 200+ ppl that are missing. My heart is also broken into pieces for the animals who have perished or have become lost or hurt. All the wildlife that is gone is unimaginable. They are just as important! I would give anything to go help and volunteer. God bless California and prayers to the fire fighters risking there lives to control these horrible disasters. More pictures and donation link on my personal IG: @erikalynn_xo ‍‍ • •• • • • #woolseyfire #california #prayforcalifornia #malibu #paradisefire #lostanimals #prayers #wildfire #lafd #animalrescue #animalovers #losangeles #ventura #fire #help #campfire #LA #norcal #animallivesmatter #buttecounty #fireseason2018 #petsofinstagram

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Wanted to update y’all who have been caring for us this weekend. We were sent this pic through a friend who knew an officer patrolling our area. Our house is standing and it looks like all the buildings on the property are standing as well. There are broken windows, a burned out yard, and a burned out gate. Another officer said it looks like the fire stopped right at the porch. It’s just unreal that it’s there. Total miracle. There were no fireman allowed up there as well due to the power lines being above ground. There was NO ONE there stopping the fire at our home other than the Lord…. it’s a MIRACLE. My friend Rebekah said she new it would be standing because there were way too many people praying ❤️ and I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for your faithful prayers. It’s truly a miracle it’s not ashes right now. There is really nothing left around us but ashes and fireplaces. Our hearts are so so grateful and thankful, yet still so heavy for our neighbors, neighborhood and friends who lost there homes. There is so much destruction it looks like a war zone from the videos we’ve been sent. We are unable to get in and there’s still a red flag warning. We were told Tuesday or Wednesday we may be able to get in. We know this is just the beginning and there’s a lot ahead, but we know God’s got this. I can’t look at that helicopter pic from yesterday and doubt that God is in control. He’s got a plan and He’s there. He didn’t have to spare out house but He did. We don’t know what His plan is for this and why, but we trust it will be good. A few prayer requests would be: Pray for Malibu tonight the winds are back and fires are still burning. Pray for so many hurting families around us who have lost all they own. Pray for firefighters who are working found the clock. Pray for these communities as we rebuild and restore. ❤️ Again, y’all are amazing The Brannon Family can’t thank you enough. XO, CJ #woolseyfire #prayforcalifornia

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