Dr. Rachel Levine

Biden Names First Transgender Person to Serve in Federal Position


Just one day before his inauguration, President-elect Joe Biden announced he has selected Dr. Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania’s health secretary, to serve as his assistant health secretary.

If confirmed by the U.S. Senate—which is split down the middle with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris set to serve as the tie-breaker—Levine, a biological male, would become the first openly transgender person in a presidential administration.

While the left is heralding the nomination as a historic “first,” many on the right—particularly those in Pennsylvania—are taking great issue with Biden’s decision to select Levine, whose policies amid the COVID-19 pandemic have faced intense scrutiny.

In May, Levine’s mother was moved out of a personal care home, a decision that came during an uptick in the number of COVID-19 cases (and deaths) linked to nursing homes and elder care facilities, which some have argued is a direct consequence of directives put in place by Levine.

Much of the criticism goes back to a March 18 guidance, which stated: “Nursing care facilities must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable to alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care setting. This may include stable patients who have had the COVID-19 virus.”

Read the rest of the story here from our content partners at Faithwire. {eoa}


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