Beth Moore Asks for Prayer for Rachel Held Evans


Beth Moore, among other Christian leaders, is asking for prayer on behalf of Rachel Held Evans, a leading figure on the Christian left.

Evans, the author of Searching for Sunday and Inspired, is in a medically induced coma after doctors discovered she was experiencing constant seizures.

Other believers, including Pentecostals, are sharing their prayers on social media with the hashtag #PrayForRHE.

Evans’ husband, Daniel, posts regular updates on Evans’ blog.

On April 23, he wrote: “The news today is about the same as yesterday. Rachel is still in the ICU in a medically induced coma. Sarah Bessey, Jeff Chu, and Jim Chaffee started a GoFundMe campaign for us. With unknown financial obligations pending this is a great practical encouragement to our family. Thank you again to everyone who has donated their time and resources and offered their thoughts and prayers. Rachel would have a really beautiful way to say all of this.”


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