Ringo Starr canceled his North Carolina stop after HB 2.

Beatles’ Ringo Starr Cancels Concert Over Transgender Bathroom Law


Ringo Starr followed in Bruce Springsteen’s steps by canceling his North Carolina tour stop as a form of protest against the state’s “bathroom bill.” 

“I’m sorry to disappoint my fans in the area, but we need to take a stand against this hatred. Spread peace and love,” the former Beatle posted to Facebook. “How sad that they feel that this group of people cannot be defended.” 

North Carolina’s HB 2 will assist in the measures:

  • maintaining common sense gender-specific restroom and locker room facilities in government buildings and schools;
  • affirming the private sector’s right to establish its own restroom and locker room policies;
  • affirming the private sector and local governments’ right to establish non-discrimination employment policies for its own employees;
  • expanding the state’s employment policy for state employees to cover sexual orientation and gender identity; and
  • seeking legislation to reinstate the right to sue in state court for discrimination.

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