Billy Coleman

Atheists Urge Alabama School District to Cancel Prayer Caravan


In another ploy to eliminate Christian activity, a group of atheists is trying to derail a prayer caravan on Aug. 10.

School district leaders and members in Cullman County, Ala., will visit every school in the district before the start of the school year to pray for 10 to 15 minutes.

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent a letter to Cullman County School District Superintendant Billy Coleman last week asking him to cancel the event.

Coleman, who was a pastor before becoming superintendent three years ago, says the district has been doing the caravan since he took office without any issues. He says the event, which he insists is unsponsored and voluntary, will go on as planned.

“We’re not going to cancel it,” Coleman promised, according to “We’re not praying for our schools to make a point. We’re praying for our schools because we want to thank God for the blessings He gives us and pray for our students and communities.

“I’ve always been outspoken about my faith and I’m not ashamed of that,” he continued, “but we’d never try to cram anything down anybody’s throat. I believe the best thing we, as Christians, can do is just live our faith every day.”

While the event was initially publicized on the district’s website and Facebook, details have since been removed. Coleman is reportedly working on a response letter to the FFRF, explaining the prayer caravan is not an official school system event.

“I think the issue they have is it is school sponsored,” the Christian superintendent told “This is not something the board voted on. It is just something I started. … The school system doesn’t sponsor it, so they’re not going to cancel it. I initiated it; I am not going to cancel it.”


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