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Assemblies of God Elects New General Superintendent


This weekend the Assemblies of God (AG) in the U.S. will conclude their 52nd General Council meeting in Indianapolis with the Rev. George O. Wood as its newly elected general superintendent.

Holding two doctorate degrees, Wood has served as the AG general secretary since 1993. He also pastored Newport-Mesa Christian Center in Costa Mesa, Calif., for 17 years. He will replace Thomas E. Trask, who held the position since 1993.

Trask announced in mid-July that he would not complete his remaining two years of his four-year term.

“I have taken time to seek the Lord as to His direction,” Trask said in his resignation letter. “Shirley and I love the ministry and plan to stay active in the work of the Lord as He gives strength.”

During his farewell speech, Trask encouraged the largest Pentecostal denomination in the world to uphold righteousness and reject all forms of sin.

“What many churches are offering America is a new religion that guarantees no hell and requires no holiness,” Trask said. “It is a limp, spineless Christianity that does not confront sin for fear of being judgmental. It is an impotent gospel that tells people everything is OK.”


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