Marjorie Dannenfelser

Arizona Court Bows to Planned Parenthood’s Agenda

A federal judge on Friday issued a preliminary injunction blocking Arizona’s Whole Woman’s Health Funding Priority Act (HB 2800). The bill would defund abortion providers including Planned Parenthood of taxpayer funding. The decision was a blow to pro-life and a boost to the abortion industry in Arizona.
Under the law, family planning funds are prioritized away from abortion-centered businesses like Planned Parenthood to entities that provide comprehensive health care. Signed into law in May by Gov. Jan Brewer, Planned Parenthood prompty challenged the law.
In October, the Department of Justice filed a brief aimed at overturning HB 2800. Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom, which co-authored the legislation with the SBA List, are assisting state Solicitor General David Cole in the defense of the law. 
Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) President Marjorie Dannenfelser is disappointed. Over the last two years, she says, America’s largest abortion provider has been able to rely only on the courts and the Obama Administration to buck the grassroots momentum to defund them of taxpayer dollars.
“Despite misinformation from the highest levels–including President Obama’s recent repetition of the falsehood that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms–more and more Americans are coming to the conclusion that this abortion-centered business does not need or deserve taxpayer dollars,” she says.
As Dannenfelser sees it, Obama touts his top political ally as a friend of women and young girls, but the numbers tell a different story. In 2010, Planned Parenthood performed over 329,000 abortions, making up 91 percent of their pregnancy services. For every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performed 392 abortions.
“Planned Parenthood even opposes commonsense parental notification laws aimed at protecting young girls in abusive situations,” she says.  That’s not options counseling or looking out for the best interests of women, that’s a profit-driven abortion mill–and taxpayers across the country want out. The President is ignoring the American people at his own peril.”   



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