The Jefferson Bible

American Humanists Rewrite ‘The Jefferson Bible’


In its boldest move to date, the American Humanist Association (AHA) has chosen to re-write The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth and add similarly edited texts of other major religions. The AHA intends to deliver the edited work to President Obama as well as to every member of the 113th Congress.

The PA Pastors’ Network condemns the re-written version and calls on all who receive it to either return or get rid of it.

“Historical attacks on the Bible by denying it, attempting to destroy—or in this case to add and subtract from it—have all met with dismal failure,” said Sam Rohrer, president of the Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network. “Modifying God’s Word into some variation acceptable to humankind is serious. God says in Revelation 22:19, ‘And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book’ (KJV).

“Like it or not, the Holy Scripture is the Divine Word of God and provided the foundation upon which our nation was built,” Rohrer continued. “From the Pilgrims, to John Bradford, to the signers of the Declaration of Independence who recognized God as ‘Creator and Judge,’ to President Washington—who requested of Congress to authorize the printing and distribution of 10,000 unaltered copies of the Bible as contained in the Old and New Testaments—our history is clear.

“When used as originally written, the Bible contains all we need for the successful guidance of all matters of life, living and public policy. This new attempt to replace God’s Holy Word, the Bible with man’s words and still call it a Bible should be rejected,” he concluded.

The PA Pastors’ Network urges pastors and committed, Christian laypeople to continue to stand for God’s truth in their families and communities and to adhere to Biblical principles in everyday life.

“The move by the AHA is just another way that a small minority of atheists is attempting to re-write American history, deny the existence of God and build a society based solely on the humanist religion,” the organization said in a statement.


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