Bill Nye

Agnostic Bill Nye Predicts Results of Upcoming Creation-Evolution Debate


Bill Nye “The Science Guy,” who is preparing for his debate against Creation Museum CEO and President Ken Ham next month, recently spoke about his expectations for the event.

“Well I don’t think I’m gonna win Mr. Ham over, anymore than Mr. Ham thinks he’s going to win me over,” Nye, who identified himself as an agnostic, told HuffPost Live Wednesday.

“Instead, I want to show people that this belief (creationism) is still among us. … It finds its way into school boards in the United States,” Nye explained. He reminded viewers that he is a mechanical engineer and not really a scientist, but said, “I’m going in as a reasonable man.”

Nye, who is also the CEO of The Planetary Society, a science advocacy group, said the push to include creationism in science class frightens him.

“If the United States produces a generation of science students who don’t believe in science, that’s troublesome.”

When asked if he believes in God, Nye said he is an agnostic.

“You can’t know,” he argues. “The idea that there’s a plan for everybody and this deity has this all worked out and is really directing things is an extraordinary claim that I find troublesome. It’s not for me.

“There’s billions of religious believers around the world. Billions of Christians. That’s fine. People get a great deal out of it. They get a lot of community.”

Nye is scheduled to debate Ham on Feb. 4 at the Creation Museum’s 900-seat Legacy Hall in Petersburg, Ky. The agreed-upon topic for the debate is: “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?” The sold-out event will stream live for free.


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