Clayton Jennings is no longer in a renewal process with Tony Nolan.

After Sexual Misconduct, Clayton Jennings Leaves Renewal Process


Clayton Jennings’ former spiritual mentor, Tony Nolan, says the two have parted ways over Jennings’ renewal process after allegations of sexual misconduct.

“In November 2016, Clayton Jennings reached out to me for help over some sins in his life,” Nolan wrote on Facebook.

Nolan travels the country preaching with the Winter Jam festival. He spiritually mentored evangelist and spoken word artist Jennings.

Last month, Jennings reportedly asked Nolan to assist him in a renewal and repentance process after several women alleged Jennings slept with them before he married his wife. Rumors swirled of Jennings’ alcohol abuse and push of the morning-after pill after sexual encounters. 

Jennings says he confessed his sins and apologized in a video, which has since been deleted. 

Nolan says he and Jennings have ended their renewal process and Jennings has sought out secular resources.

“We discussed a biblical process of repentance and renewal and he saw that he needed it and agreed to it. A large part of Clayton’s influence is via social media; therefore, he posted a video on the internet. In the video, I opened by telling about the process and Clayton confessed his sins,” Nolan says.

“Weeks into the repentance journey, Clayton informed me he had secured the services of a secular team to advise him. He asked me if he could follow their advice, yet still be in process with me. I said no, you have to choose one or the other because it’s not in keeping with the original process. He then asked for 24 hours to decide. Upon calling back, he informed me that he had already privately confessed to God about these sexual sins that occurred during his public preaching ministry and he really did not need the process after all and just needs the secular team to navigate from the media fallout of those sins. By default, this post and caption were necessary to clarify Clayton Jennings’ previous public announcement with me.” 

Jennings has cancelled all public speaking engagements until further notice.

In a post on Facebook, Jennings describes his “Confessions” video.

I’ve always tried my best to be open and honest with all of you. That hasn’t always been easy. When I opened up about my struggles with depression and past sins in the viral video “Confessions,” I was told by some I was making a huge mistake. They said that kind of transparency would destroy me and push people away. Thankfully I was never in this to draw people to myself in the first place. I released the video for all to see, but I didn’t stop there. I opened up in sermons and on my new poetry CD about my battles with lust and sex before marriage. I wanted people to know that they weren’t alone in their struggles, and that I’m not a perfect person by any means. Before I ever opened up to my followers about these things, I had repented of them, and I went to my leadership and family for counseling and help. My middle-school sweetheart took me back, and we got married. Any sin from my past was before my marriage. Because of repentance and faith in Jesus, I was able to overcome those things. His Word says He forgives and forgets all of our sins forever. I was forgiven, and I’ve been walking hand in hand with my Savior, telling other people about that same forgiveness all around the world. Peter walked with Jesus for years and still denied him three times. The Lord welcomed him back with open arms and told him to shepherd others. I’ve never denied Jesus with my lips, but I’ve denied Him countless times with my actions. I’ve never claimed to be a perfect person, a role model or even a pastor. In fact, I have told all of you many times to not follow me but to follow Jesus instead. I want to apologize to everyone I have offended, hurt or damaged because of my sin in the past. I am very sorry. By the grace of God alone, I am growing and I am changing. I am not here to defend myself or my reputation. I don’t care about those things, and I couldn’t do that even if I tried. I’m only here to lift up the name of Jesus. He is the only One who loved me even in my sin. Paul called himself the “Chief of Sinners,” and I can relate. I am, and have only ever been, a beggar telling other beggars where to find bread. I’m thankful for grace and forgiveness. I have needed both many times. If you are dealing with sin, take it to Jesus and leave it there. Don’t look back. You don’t live there anymore. Move forward and allow God to use your brokenness to bring Him glory. When I read the Bible, I see countless flawed characters full of sin who were used to point other sinners to Jesus. That is my goal also. A saved sinner telling other sinners how to get saved. My life is defined as this, guilty … but forgiven. “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake, and will not remember your sins” (Is. 43:25). I love you all. Jesus till we die. {eoa}


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