Phil Robertson and Guido Barilla

2013 Proves to Be a Year to Defend Faith


This past year has certainly been one where Christians have been called to defend their faith. Nearly every week, new headlines showed believers why it is so important to be able to talk about their convictions—often in a public forum.

The head of an Italian pasta company stands up for the traditional family in his advertising. The patriarch of a popular outdoorsy television family quotes biblical principles.

For all of these men, the reaction was certainly not 100 percent positive. Their companies were affected (some positively and some negatively), and Christian families were pushed into the spotlight of a national debate.

“As we look back on 2013,” said Southern Evangelical Seminary President Richard Land, “the examples of Christians defending their faith are very evident. These situations played out in the national media, and created new conversations in churches, at coffee shops and around dinner tables. These headlines of 2013, and many others like them, are perfect examples of why Christians must stand ready to defend their faith.”


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