Morning Rundown: You Must Vote Democrat If You Want All of These Wonderful Things


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You Must Vote Democrat If You Want All of These Wonderful Things

Foundationally, I am not partisan. I have confronted—face to face—numerous Republicans running for office who have stood for wrong values. I have worked hard to defeat some Republicans.

Why? Because they defied God’s ways. I have been open about my criticism of some within the Republican Party. My commitment is to Scripture. My commitment is to biblical principles of governance.

In this article, however, I am going to focus on Democrats.

Bringing Christianity Back to the Public Square

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson has a message for the state’s evangelical pastors: Run for office.

Robinson has repeated his message at least eight times over the past few months at church luncheons across North Carolina hosted by the American Renewal Project, a group dedicated to mobilizing evangelical pastors to run for school boards, city councils, county commissions, the state legislature and beyond.

The project, which has hosted similar events in Iowa, Missouri, South Carolina and Texas, takes the now decades-long effort to get evangelicals engaged in electoral politics one step further. It seeks to bring pastors into elected office.

Why Americans No Longer View the Bible as the Ultimate Authority

As our nation continues to battle over for a set of values that will carry on into the future, A recent study released by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University reveals that less than one-third of Americans believe that the Bible should serve as the ultimate foundation for determining right and wrong.

The study notes that 7 out of 10 adults (71%) claim to support traditional moral values in America today. But there is a significant transition in the public perception of the Bible’s role in defining traditional moral values.

The survey revealed that traditional moral values included integrity, justice, kindness, non-discrimination, trustworthiness, free expression, property ownership, individual self-expression and self-control. {eoa}


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