Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahn: ‘Guard and Protect Your Child;’ Satan is Coming for Them


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Jonathan Cahn: ‘Guard and Protect Your Child;’ Satan is Coming for Them

Jonathan Cahn says that one of the signs of a nation under the judgment of God has to do with its children.

And with what is now happening in America and the attempting sexualization and paganization of its children through many facets of culture, there is little doubt, Cahn says, that the only hope for this country is revival.

“The Bible says that, in the last days, there will be a departing from the faith, with people giving heed to seducing spirits,” said Cahn, the bestselling author of “The Harbinger” and his latest blockbuster effort, “The Return of the Gods.” “The spirits are here, the gods are back and they are after your children. If they can get the children, they’ve got the nation and its future in the end times.”

Is Chris Reed’s Prophecy About China and Xi Jinping Already Coming to Pass?

On Oct. 1, Morningstar President Chris Reed shared a prophetic word he received from God on the downfall of Xi Jinping’s rule. At the time, the prophecy didn’t make sense in the natural because Xi had just been re-elected for a third term.

It’s only been two months since his prophetic word and news headlines coming out of China show his rule and support within the Communist Party could already be waning.

After weeks of protestors taking to the streets to voice their concerns over the Communist Party’s “zero-COVID” policy, Xi started to ease some of the measures in response to the outcry from the public, which is rare for a dictator.

Actor Neal Bledsoe Leaves Great American Family Over Traditional Marriage Stance

There is a strong allure to living the lifestyle of the world. The children of God have struggled against the pull of the flesh since the Garden of Eden, and temptation is as strong today as it was back then.

Perhaps the temptation for fame, wealth and validation is stronger today than in centuries past. Humans are bombarded on a near constant basis with commercials, social media posts and advertisements about what the world can offer them.

Today in America, rejecting Christian principles and embracing the world’s standards on subjects like marriage, sexuality and identity can be a financially lucrative ploy. But when the result is furthering oneself from their Father in heaven, the spiritual cost greatly outweighs the short-term monetary gains. {eoa}

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