2023 7 Locke Greg FB

Morning Rundown: Greg Locke: Why Do So Many Churches Ignore Deliverance Ministry?


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on cn.mycharisma.com:

Greg Locke: Why Do So Many Churches Ignore Deliverance Ministry?

If Jesus spent one-third of His ministry casting out demons, why do so many churches virtually ignore deliverance ministry?

Following the break-out box office success of his documentary, ‘Come Out In Jesus Name,’ which is now streaming worldwide, firebrand pastor, Greg Locke, is set to release “Cast It Out: The Call to Set People Free” (Charisma House), the third installment in his Spiritual Warfare Series.

Were Pastors Pushed Out in Conspiracy by Church Planters?

Locke Book Cast outThe former lead pastors and founders of Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida, Stovall and Kerri Weems have filed a federal complaint against the Association of Related Churches (ARC) and three other pastors claiming they “masterminded” a conspiracy to take over the church and oust the pastors from their roles, newsjax4.com reported this week.

The Weemses have been embroiled in a legal battle with Celebration Church since April 2022, when, as Charisma News reported, the 12,000-member church in North Florida released findings from an internal investigation that included allegations of financial misconduct and fraud, among others.

Charisma News Brief: Did Angels Help Build This 13th-Century Church?

A 13th-century church in Ethiopia, carved from volcanic rock, sits deep inside a pit in the earth. Despite its unique setting, it is has become one of the more visited landmarks on the entire continent of Africa.

The church, hewn from red volcanic rock, welcomes thousands of pilgrims that arrive to celebrate events on the Ethiopian Christian Calendar, the Insider reports. {eoa}

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