CN Morning Rundown: What Marilyn Hickey Did When Her Daughter Threatened to Leave the Faith


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What Marilyn Hickey Did When Her Daughter Threatened to Leave the Faith

You wouldn’t know it today, but famed evangelist Marilyn Hickey once heard the words no parent wants to hear: “I don’t know if I believe in Jesus anymore.”

Her daughter and now partner in ministry, Sarah Bowling, spoke those words after studying in Germany for a time as a student at Oral Roberts University. Hickey shares the story with Dr. Steve Greene on a popular episode of the Greenelines podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. Her response in that moment reveals a spiritual key all believers can use today—no matter what situation they face.

After her bombshell statement, Sarah added, “I don’t know if you and Dad are going to love me.”

This State’s Christian Governor Just Says ‘No’ to Federal Government Overreach

When you think of Montana, wide-open spaces or mountains may come to mind. The governor calls his state a “sanctuary for freedom.”

In this day and age, when it seems like basic freedoms are under attack, that statement may cause you to take notice.

Montana’s governor sat down with CBN News and spoke about freedom, the federal government, and faith.

District Attorney Stuns, Addresses Whether Alec Baldwin Will Be Criminally Prosecuted

The Santa Fe (N.M.) County district attorney said Tuesday she is not ruling out criminal charges against Alec Baldwin in the accidental fatal shooting of a cinemaphotographer last week on the set of Baldwin’s new movie, “Rust.”

Media reports say that Baldwin was rehearsing with a gun that he had been told did not contain live ammunition when it went off, killing Halyna Hutchins and wounding the director, Joel Souza. District attorney Mary Carmack-Altweis told that the investigation was focusing on ballistic in an effort to determine what kind of round was in the gun that killed Hutchins, who, coincidentally, had placed the ammunition in the gun.

“Everything at this point, including criminal charges, is on the table,” Carmack-Altweis said. “There was an enormous amount of bullets on this set, and we need to find out what kinds they were. {eoa}

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